
Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu

China Is Still Investable, but Skills Needed to Succeed Have Changed

“Is China still investable?” That’s the question that is being debated among global investors in both private and public markets. Not long after China launched an investigation into Didi’s IPO — followed by a policy overhaul of its after-school education industry — the U.S.-listed stocks of Chinese companies went into a tailspin that wiped out more than $1.5 trillion from their combined market capitalization within less than a year.

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Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu

Why Solving U.S.-Listed Chinese Stocks’ VIE Issue Can Get Hong Kong Out of the Doldrums

My recent article on whether Hong Kong is ready for Chinese tech stocks exiled from New York has triggered heated debate. This time I’d like to continue the topic about Hong Kong, which involves national security, the city’s stock market, and the variable interest entity (VIE) ownership structure widely used by Chinese tech companies listed in the U.S.

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Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu Op-Eds & Columns Jeff Niu

Why Investors Should Be Wary of High Valuations for Dot-coms

China’s dot-com businesses are hot property in the private equity & venture capital (PEVC) world. Thanks to the success of high-profile unicorns like online payments business Ant Financial – valued at a whopping $150bn – PEVC groups are eager to find the next big thing. Internet businesses with novel business models are especially popular PEVC investment targets, and many have enjoyed high valuations before going public.

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